

Top Clients Reviews

This tea really surprised me. I thought it was going to be crazy tart due to the hibiscus but it wasn’t the case. It really did have a cherry flavour (although it is in more of the smell than taste) and the slightest amount of tart aftertaste. Great Taste.


It turned out quite nice actually! Like a lightly brewed English breakfast with a hint of strawberry. The strawberry does taste a bit like strawberry flavouring, but it’s was really nice. Thanks for this special tea..


Maecenas ultricies felis sit amet libero scelerisque, ut eleifend leo mattis. Aliquam porta facilisis metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam id nisi id enim molestie varius. Aenean sed posuere lorem, Mauris vulputate eget arcu ut posuere..

Hugo James

Black and green tea flavours are blended nicely. A more pronounced black tea taste would go better with the lighter strawberry flavour. Overall, a bit thin tasting and dilute. Strongly recommended to everyone!  .


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Maecenas est dui, commodo a rutrum eget, interdum vel lorem. Aliquam euismod dapibus turpis, vitae placerat purus vestibulum non. Pellentesque ut nisi viverra, dictum nisi sed.


    What our clients say

    Duis et tellus imperdiet, lacinia risus id, tincidunt ipsum. Integer euismod elit vel nibh commodo, at consequat nisl rhoncus. Aliquam tempor lorem odio, non aliquam nunc egestas in. Proin rutrum justo ac lorem pellentesque pretium.

    Duncan Richelle

    Duis et tellus imperdiet, lacinia risus id, tincidunt ipsum. Integer euismod elit vel nibh commodo, at consequat nisl rhoncus. Aliquam tempor lorem odio, non aliquam nunc egestas in. Proin rutrum justo ac lorem pellentesque pretium.

    Eduarda Salome
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